Numbers, numbers everywhere! It is getting closer to the 100th day of school. It is hard to believe but this is a major milestone in kindergarten. We have been preparing since the very first day of school and will continue to do so until the big day (mid-February) The kids (and you) will be asked to decorate a shirt with 100 things! So start your creative minds now. More information will be sent home very soon!
Meanwhile I hope to keep adding more videos from my FlipCamera, I hope you have enjoyed the first 2!
Keep working on number writing, I am seeing a lot of backward numbers still. Also practice counting by 1, 5's and 10's. I have some links below for a couple counting songs we are singing in class.
Count to 100 by 1
Counting by 10
Counting by 5
Counting by 2, 5, 10
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