Thursday, April 21, 2016

Fun at the Farm!

One of my very favorite field trips is the Erie County Farm 2 Table program! Today we experienced learning while at the farm! Our topic was "Baby Animals" and it was a huge hit! The kids enjoyed it and learned so much. We are so lucky to have this program available to us!

We began by learning all about baby chicks...

Did you know that chickens are descendent from the T-Rex dinosaur?!

We got to make handprint chicks 

Then got to watch the chicks
hatch and even got to pet a chick that was just days old.

Next we moved to the Goat theater. Where we learned about all of the things that are made with Goat's milk. 

Did you know that when farm goats are babies (kids) their horns have to be burned off to prevent injury and infections.

We made goat puppets and got to pet the goats too!

Our last group we learned about dairy cows. Did you know that a female cow is called a Heffer until its first calf is born. Then it can be called a cow and it begins to produce milk. 

We made a cow craft and then got to pet a calf. 

We finished our day with a perfect picnic lunch.

We had an amazing trip and as always the Farm 2 Table volunteers and staff were outstanding. 

We finished the trip, back at school writing opinion essays that we shared with first grade friends. We wrote about our favorite part and shared why we think that they will enjoy it too. (They are going tomorrow.) 

Thank you again Erie County Farm 2 Table!


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  6. oản thắp hương tài lộc thiết kế công phu, tinh xảo và trọn vẹn ý nghĩa tâm linh thiêng liêng.
