Thursday, July 16, 2015

New Year: New Name

For those of you who haven't heard yet I have been asked to teach second grade next year below is my Facebook post from the last day of school...

Today, on the last day of kindergarten, I was honored to attend the West Seneca East Class of 2015 high school graduation of my very first group of kindergarten students! 13 years ago they became kindergarteners and I became a teacher! As I watched them cross the stage today I can't begin to explain how proud I am that I got to be  their very first teacher in this journey. With that said I can also announce that my life has come full circle as I too will be "graduating" with them. I have been asked to say goodbye to kindergarten and move on to teach second grade next year. I am excited to begin this new adventure and hope that I am as lucky to teach as many amazing kids in second grade as I have in kindergarten.

Me and one of my "kindergarteners"

As the summer is now in full swing I still have mixed emotions about leaving my little learners behind for the "big kids" well maybe not exactly huge but second grade seems big to me. I really think second grade is going to be amazing but I had so much of my identity wrapped up into being a kindergarten teacher, I know how 5 year olds tick (and boy is my son in trouble in a few years if he thinks his mom can be fooled, in 13 years I've seen just about everything.) As far as 7 year olds well hopefully I'm a quick learner! So with the bittersweet feeling of leaving the littles behind the real work begins preparing. One of the best parts of moving up to second I think will be getting to see some of the same faces I taught as a kindergarten teacher. At the end of the year I told my kinders I was moving, I couldn't hide that I was packing the entire room (13 YEARS of materials) into boxes and one of the sweetest things I've ever read was this note from Sean:

So hopefully you will enjoy my second grade blog and come along (become a follower) to watch how this adventure unfolds this upcoming year! 

Goodbye room 108

Who said teachers don't work during the summer?  This is me taking advantage of naptime getting organized...  

a big thank you to Karen at:
for the jump start getting organized! Follow her blog and head to her TPT site for some great resources! 

I also bought some new take home binder organization pages on TPT for my Super Second graders! 

Excited to celebrate the SECOND day of SECOND grade with my class this year! I will share more about this in my next post. 

And finally a shoutout to my Godmother for helping me rename this blog! I had so many great suggestions from friends on Facebook it was hard to decide but Second Helpings seemed to fit! Come back soon for another helping! 

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