Monday, September 26, 2011

Lost Library Cards-No More!

I love the library! The library is an exciting place of wonder for kindergartners. Thousands of books and in their words "all for FREE!" They love going to the library and are taught to do it independently. Just like at the public library they need to bring their library card with them. This card has a barcode on it for them to use when checking out books. It also has their username and password for when they log onto the computers. But little hands and big books don't always go together, not to mention paper cards. So this year I am trying a new system using badge holders. I bout a class set of plastic ID tags form Walmart (much cheaper than the office stores) and I bought a class set of clips. Now when the kids go to the library in the morning by themselves they clip it on their shirt and don't have to worry about losing them among the way. Check it out:

The back has their name, barcode, and computer information.

Here are some of the boys showing off their cards.

Back in the basket when the are done!

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