Monday, August 26, 2019

Open House

I’m so excited to meet all of my new friends! Please visit on open house night!

Saturday, August 10, 2019

donors choose Lift Off

So my last project sadly wasn’t funded, but thanks to so generous donors they have chosen to continue to fund my classroom.  I have set up a smaller project just for a few classroom extras and because of my previous donations only need about half to complete the project and this week only all donations are DOUBLED up to $50.00 if you use the code LIFTOFF. So if you know someone in need of making a charitable donation send them to check out my page. 

Check out my classroom on DonorsChoose! I'd love your help to bring my project to life:

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

I haven't been here in ages! Mostly because I have been loving life creating digital portfolios on Seesaw!

If you are not connected to your child please make sure to do so, there are so many amazing things happening and we update them daily!

Image result for see saw logo

I love it so much I recently became a seesaw ambassador and now have the opportunity to share it with more teachers and families! Check it out if haven't yet.