Monday, August 29, 2011

Easy Organizing

One thing teachers have a ton of...papers.
Quiz....What is the difference between homework and a work sample? Answer: one you have to keep and one you can give back to the student -Ha!-

There are so many things that we have to organize as teachers and I don't know about you but piles end up on my desk that I have to sort through by the end of the day. There are some many things that we need to file away and doing this amidst 20 kindergartners can be a daunting task. Here is when my new trick comes in handy! I bought a small storage cube, then added hanging file folders in it. on the top I print a address label for each child's name and stick it on top. I keep this right behind my desk and easily slip papers, notes from parents, work samples, tests, and report card information right in it. Then when I have as meeting about a child, or a parent conference I can grab it and go, and then I just replace it back in the cube when I return. It is a simple, inexpensive project that honestly has helped me save hours of work organizing and filing. I have been using this system for years now and I will never go back!

A Must Read

If you are a parent of an incoming kindergartner this article from is a MUST read! If you are a parent from my classroom PLEASE take some time to read this!

Read the article by clicking  HERE

Thank you!

- Mrs. Giglio

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Quick Trick

I don't know if you remember my back corner, when I posted the first pictures of my classroom well if not here it is...

I am a book-a-holic. I can't stop buying them and even though I have a very organized system there are still so many that don't fit anywhere. So they end up here and my shelf ends up looking like that! A super quick fix, buy some fabric, I cant sew so I use stich-witchery to make some seams and then I use Velcro to attach it to the wall. Voila!

I have this fabric on the other side too so everything matches and my secret hoard of books is hidden but still accessible to students! Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Smarty Pants

I got back into my classroom this week to set up and while I was ther I took a few pictures of some of my favorite things to share with you so I hope to be post a bunch of things this week!

I am all about positive reinforcement. I think it is way more motivating, way more helpful, and a much better way to run a classroom. Last year a first grade teacher in my buliding shared with me something she found on a blog.(I am sorry I can't credit the blog where she found it.)
It was an easy and fun motivatior to use and thanks to Mrs. Ost (an amazing parent) I have an authentic "Smarty Pants" display in my room, check it out:

When the kids do something smart, kind, or in need of a reward they are allowed to go get some smarties from the pockets. They LOVE this!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Craft Central

It has been craft central around here lately and thanks to Pinterest I have been very busy! I have found so many fun things for my classroom and being inspired by another fellow blogger Runde's Room I thought  I would share some of the things I have done. The pictures are not mine they are from the Pinterest website but they are crafts that I have replicated for my classroom this year.

Awesome idea.

I am putting this in the corner with my toys and games

AWESOME for the playground!
In my classroom ready for the playground, just need to add bubbles.

Two students (rotated weekly) get to wear these hats during centers, when the teacher is working with small groups. If they can't answer the question, then only these students may come to the teacher. Sort of a play on
Classroom Helper Hats (for when I am working with a small group) The children can ask my helpers first, like the ideas of ask 3 before me- These are next on my list to make

20 Ways to Use Pool Noodles

Noodles In The Block Center- Making these tonight- Noodles on sale at The Christmas Tree Shop .50 each

Quiet Spray :)
Quiet Spray- I have the clip art done but I am still looking for this size bottle.
Power Pellets- skittles for a job well done
Power Pellets-Not done yet but next time I go to the store I am getting the candy and container. They will love this one!

There are a few more so I will post them when I finish them up and I get them in the classroom. I am so excited!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Pinterest Wreath

Thank You Pinterest for this amazing idea...and a HUGE thank you to my Mom for making it for me!! This will be on my front door at home for the month of September! A wreath of crayons, can you think of anything more perfect for back to school?! I LOVE IT!

Little Things

I am home recovering from surgery and there hasn't been much to do but worry about all the things that need to be done before school starts. In my building we have open house and orientation on the same day. It is overwhelming and causes me to panic every year because there is so much to do! Today I think I put a dent in some of the little things.

In my building each child receives a name tag for the first day of school. Each classroom is assigned a special symbol. My classroom symbol is the star. All the children wear a star nametag and for the first week of school the teachers meet the children outside at the busses. I carry a large star sign so the children and support staff staff can easily recognize "my" students. I love this system. It really helps us easily recognize the children right away, and helps the kids feel a little less nervous when all ney need to do is match the shape.

The next thing I finished was more for my bulletin board. I blogged about it a few weels ago when I finished my caterpiller. Today I completed the flowers. Each child's name is on a flower, then I am planning on taking a picture of each child and printing it so it looks like they are holding the giant flower. I promise to post a picture once it is all put together. I think it will be really cute.

Still left on the list...oh my lots to do! Orientation is next Wednesday, and school starts 2 weeks from tomorrow! Yikes!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Penny Bargains

Ok Bargain hunters, if  you haven't heard already. My name is Mrs. Giglio....and I am a shopaholic! I especially love shopping for school supplies! This week I found my favorite bargain of the summer. It happens every year and it was advertised this week. One Cent folders at Office Depot. Office Max has them also but they limit you to five, Office Depot Limit is 10. So today Mr. Giglio and I trekked to 3 different Office Depots buying our limit of 10 folders each at each store a total of 60 folders so far!! One for Tasty Tuesday Recipes, one for Sentence Practice Homework, and one for my Parent Folders at orientation. I will probably go back to get more because I always use them through the school year. Another sale one cent for plastic rulers. Limit 5 so I have a total of 10 so far, the other stores were sold out. Always nice for the math center.

Parents stock up! They are not as good as the plastic/vinyl folders that can last from year to year but at this price I would buy 2 or 3 of the required colors on the supply list and you will be all set for when they rip or break down.

Oh and by the way... WalMart will price match! If you are shopping there bring the ad with you if you can (it makes it quicker)

Have fun shopping!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mail Day

I am back from vacation and today I sent my Official Welcome Back to School letters out to each student in my class ($10.00 in postage!....the post office is killing me!) But I love to do it each year, there is something special about sending that letter and getting excited about a new school year.

My welcome back envelope is packed full of information and goodies so I thought I would share for the teachers out there looking for new ideas. Of course there is my official welcome to school letter. You can download and read it HERE.

Next a quick information sheet about what kindergarten orientation will be like and what to expect. It also has a few reminders about buying supplies.
Coloring page envelope

Next a letter written by a student from my past year's class. It is a form letter that I have each child fill in at the end of the year. They turn out so cute and I think they are really fun to send to the new students.I thought I had a copy to share but it seems to be missing I will upload it as soon as I can!

I add in my business card, always a nice for the parents to have handy.

Finally I add in some "Ready Confetti" a take on Jitter glitter that i read about on I create colorful confetti that they can sprinkle under their pillow the night before school tho help them sleep soundly and be ready for their big first day as a kindergartner. Click HERE if you would like a copy of the poem.

I have a few tricks up my sleeve still some magic playdoh, cookies for the parents, and cupcakes for the first day of school but that will be a post for another day.