Friday, July 29, 2011

It has begun!

I was able to get an early start to working on my classroom this year and I am so happy I did! Here is a sneak peek of how it is coming along...

I think real estate people would call my classroom "cozy" meaning....SMALL. That means, I must get creative with furniture placement. I am so envious of those large classrooms many teachers have with closets, special meeting places and even play rooms. But my classroom is where I call home so here is what I have done so far.

It's not set up yet, but I love my Promethean board! I am so lucky to have it, it has changes my entire way of teaching!

The plan is to make this a little reading nook, it has a way to go.

 I tilted my desk this year to open the space up a bit.

Mrs. Giglio's Wall of Fame. All of the class pictures for each year of teaching! I love watching the older students stop by to check it out. Still needs to have the rest of the decor put back up but I love it already.

As you see here the back of the room is not done at all. I have to add my little curtains and but all the plastic shelves back, but the shelf is still on wheels until they wax the floor.

Hopefully once it is all done, the smiling little faces will be happy to call this home for a year and I will add more photos when it is complete.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Today I received my Vistaprint Order! Woohoo! If you have not checked out Vistaprint yet you will be shocked with all that is available!
Vista offers FREE items on their web page. All you are responsible for is shipping which tends to be around $8.00.

I am so excited to share what I ordered, click on any picture to see it larger....

Here are "shopping" cards where I will write down their reading level for Reader's Workshop and they can keep in their book boxes. I wish I knew who to credit for this idea, I know I read something similar on someones blog and LOVED the idea

 I added a few things on the back for the kids to remember.

This is a large postcard that has all of my information on it. I will give these to parents at Open House for them to keep on the refrigerator or somewhere so they have my information when needed.
and this is on the back

 Here is a small business card that I will send in their welcome back to school letter. Just another way for parents to have my information handy.

 Pens and a rubber stamp with my name on it, good for stamping books I thought.

 Note cards. They read "Mrs. Giglio is Proud of You" I thought this would be a special way to recognize students.

And everything was FREE! If you have orders from Vistaprint and would like to share what you used it for I would love to here about it. Leave me a comment!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Morning Mantra

I've been thinking a lot about mantra's. Something that could be similar to a class moto but also something that would really "stick" with them as we begin every day. My principal has certain things she says every day over the announcements such as: "Today and everyday be your shining star best." The kids do catch on and I hear them repeating it at times. Does it hold meaning for them, I'm not sure, but it think it is worth the effort.

Each day as I do attendance, I don't just call out their names or even have them move a stick. I say "Good morning" to each individual student every day. "Good Morning Suzie...Good Morning Mrs. Giglio" it lets kids know that I appreciate that they are there each day, that they are individuals but also that I care about each of them and they are special to me. Along the way it teaches respect, manners, and class number order.

As we come to the carpet each morning I say "good morning kindergarten" they always reply, "good morning Mrs. Giglio." so I was thinking of adding in a short little mantra to say each morning as we begin. It may be tweaked a bit as time goes on but here is what I have so far:

Today will be a great day.

I will respect Mrs. Giglio.

Mrs. Giglio will respect me.

I will try my best in everything I do.

I will be a good friend.

Today will be a great day.

If you would like a copy with clip art I have uploaded it HERE for you to use and change as needed. Enjoy!

Please let me know that you would like me to continue to upload new items by becoming a follower and leaving comments too! Thanks

Bulletin Board

My annual back to school bulletin board is starting to come along. Every year I try to do something completely different. Some of the examples include: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Look Who's in Our Classroom with a tree and Hawaiian theme. Kindergarten is the Place to "Bee" with a hive and little bumblebees buzzing around. Happy New School Year! with party hats, streamers, and confetti. One of my favorites;  Kindergarten is "T-riffic" with a real clothesline, clothespins and t-shirts hanging on the line, names on each tshirt and eventually little faces sticking out of each shirt. And last year, Cookies, shiny paper to look like foil, and large chocolate chip cookies on each "tray" with each child's name. The title was, A Great New Batch of Kindergartners.

This year...a garden theme: Look Who's "growing" into Kindergarten! I have trees and grass completed but check out last night's project;

Can you guess what it is yet??

The Very Hungry Caterpiller! Isn't he cute! So easy to make just paper plates and glue. The trick is using liquid glue and cheap, thin paper plates.

When I began teaching kindergarten my sister bought me a touching and inspirational book...
Caterpiller Kisses by Christine Pisera Naman.

If you teach kindergarten and haven't read it, I suggest reading it at some point of your career. It is a sweet tribute to the wiggly little caterpillars that walk through our door each school year. One of the quotes from the book that I plan to use as the centerpiece of my bulletin board was really my inspiration not only for the board but for my upcoming year...

“I call my children caterpillars because of the way they wriggle and wiggle their way through my door each August. They start off silly and unfocused, but then somehow without ever meaning to, through just the occurrence of growth, they become strong and sure just like butterflies. They wiggle in in August and fly out beautifully in June.”

Have You Noticed?

I have been playing with a few different layouts lately. So I am sorry if every time you visit it looks a little different around here. I just cant decide! I like the school theme for the fall so I am saving it for later. Do you have a favorite so far? Let me know if you like one more than another.

Thanks again for visiting I hope to have another free download for you soon! Keep coming back and become a follower!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

More Deals!

What do I love more than Target??? Target DEALS! So thanks to the blog Target Treasures (maintained by a kindergartened teacher-how ironic) she has been keeping me updated on the amazing bargans! This week FREE scotch tape! Just print the coupon and go for it. On her teaching blog she also mentioned a deal on glue sticks so I will have to check that one out when I get there. To check out her site click on her button on the left. And have fun shpopping!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lego Math

I  came across this great lego math idea from The Kent Chronicles and put it in a word document to use in the classroom. If you would like a copy click HERE. I think the boys especially will love it and I can even see them making their own after!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Guess Who....A Class Book for You!

This one is for my teacher friends! Here is a class book I made for back to school. The kids will take it home and fill out their pages and bring back to school. I will bind it together to make a great first class book. If you download it please leave me a comment and let me know what you think! Also become a follower for more!

Click HERE to view and download the book.

Target Deals and even some Steals!

I know it is only July but any bargan shopping teacher knows how quickly things get snatched up! I went to Target today and hit the Dollar Spot teacher jackpot! Check out my loot:

Pocket charts, name tages, stickers, awards, cardboard book bins, posters, all $1.00 and even the baskets (they were only $2.50)

Also see the sharpies and pens?? Target is running a coupon for 1.oo off each if you print it from their web page. Well the Sharpies are on sale this week for 1.00 this week so they are FREE and the pens are 1.03 final cost = .03

 I am totally going again tomorrow! Happy shopping!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Blog Addict

I am quickly becoming addicted to reading teacher blogs! I think it is because I don't have the time during the school year to really get deep into them. But I am so excited to share what I have learned. I have found some AMAZING new ideas for the upcoming school year!